
2024.12.14 - Talleyrand, Manchester w/ SHE THE THRONE + MADE OF REGRET [TICKETS]

2024.12.15 - Hope & Anchor, London w/ CODEX SERAFINI + MAEBE [TICKETS]

Live History

2023.12.10 - Black Heart, London - w/ HEALTHYLIVING, Codex Serafini

2023.12.09 - Flying Duck, Glasgow - w/ HEALTHYLIVING, Cwfen

2023.12.08 - Retro, Manchester - w/ HEALTHYLIVING, Deathbloom

2023.12.07 - Le Pub, Newport - w/ HEALTHYLIVING, Goat Major

2022.03.11 - Black Heart, London - w/ Bruit, Codices

2021.10.20 - 229, London - w/ Sugar Horse, Vandampire

2020.01.03 - New Cross Inn, London, U.K. - w/ M.I.N.D., Dirty Ol’ Crow

2019.09.15 - Gunfactory Studios Live Session, London, U.K.

2018.08.24 - It Came From The Sea Festival, Margate, U.K. - w/ Bodies On Everest, Bismuth

2018.06.21 - The Unicorn, London, U.K. - w/ The Multitude, Spiral Key

2018.04.08 - Black Heart, London, U.K. - w/ Sacred Son, Auri

2018.03.25 - The Engine Rooms, London, U.K. - w/ Sacred Son